E-ISSN No. 2456-6713
Print ISSN No. 3048-6459

Impact Factor: 5.924

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
Multi-Language Journal (Hindi & English)
Sustainability is a paradigm for thinking about a future in which environmental, social and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of development and an improved quality of life. The ideals and principles that underlie sustainability include broad concepts such as equity among generations, gender equity, peace, tolerance, poverty reduction, environmental preservation and restoration, natural resource conservation, and social justice.
Recently considerable attention has been focused on the issues relating to environmental pollution and maintaining the quality over it. In particular, solid waste management is identified to be an important part in ensuring the protection of the environment and human health with respect to the rapid increase of waste generation rates among urban communities.
Economic empowerment of women is one of the most important parameters of the overall empowerment which includes social, psychological and political aspects of empowerment. Economic empowerment in terms of increased income, self-employment and may result in women’s ability to influence or make decision, increased self confidence, better status and role in household etc.
Generally, in aircrafts there are two types of Structures Monocoque and Semi Monocoque. Monocoque structure is a structural approach that supports load through an object's external skin, whereas the semi Monocoque system uses a substructure to which the airplane’s skin is attached.
The Census of India is the most trustworthy source of information on demography, population and its characteristics, economic activities, language, religion, migration, literacy and education, housing and household amenities, urbanization, fertility and mortality, scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, disability, occupation, civil conditions and many other social cultural and demographic data since 1872.
Human always craved for fulfillment of his/her desire and comfort in social setting. This is not a sin practice we know but this desire lead him/her to exploit the natural resource available to an extent that resulted in one way approach i.e to just go for its manifestation never for its abundance and statistics of data availability.