International Educational Applied Research Journal

E-ISSN NO: 2456-6713
Impact Factor: 5.924

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
Multi-Language Journal (Hindi & English)

Clavus/Corns result from Hyperkeratosis which is caused by an increase in Keratinocyte activity associated with stimulation of the epidermis from chronic pressure or friction on the skin. Homoeopathy has a good scope in the management of corns. We form a conservative plan by advising on footwear to remove the maintaining cause and by adopting constitutional approach which helps to cure this disorder from its root esp. by using intercurrent anti-miasmatic remedy. Details of a case studied under the heading and its results are discussed in the article.
Jaundice involves yellow pigmentation of the skin, sclera, mucus membranes caused by the abnormally high level of bilirubin in the body. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method of healing based on principle of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’, which means let likes be treated by likes. It’s approach towards treatment is individualistic, viz., it takes into consideration individual variations in the patients suffering from the same disease and treats with its single, simple, dynamic/ highly potentized medicines which are capable of inducing curative/secondary action in response to it’s primary action on dynamic aspect (Vital Force) of organism. Dr. Kent emphasized study of Generals, Particulars and Common symptoms to understand the Person, his/her Parts or Organs and Disease respectively. Dr. Kent laid stress on general symptoms and on uncommon symptoms both at the level of generals and particular, which characterize the man in his sickness. In the case studied, Kentian approach was adopted and results were brilliant and encouraging.
Data preprocessing is an important tool for Data Mining (DM) algorithm. Twitter data is an unstructured data set it is a collection of information from people entered his/her feelings, opinion, attitudes, products review, emotions, etc. This type of information is growing day by day in the internet. May companies want to analyze customers opinions which like the product and the services. The Proposed work to analyses the twitter trending information and collect various different information form the users. It improves the accuracy of Twitter data. This work easy to identify the people reaction or opinion. Additionally, improve the better performance for data preprocessing tool.
Accurate measurement is a prerequisite for all engineering disciplines, and software engineering is not an exclusion. For decades seek engineers and researchers to express features of software with numbers in order to make easy software quality assessment. A large body of software quality metrics have been developed, and various tools exist to collect metrics from program representations. This large variety of tools allows a user to select the tool best suited, e.g., depending on its managing, tool support, cost. Conversely, this assumes Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page.
The world is become a global village. Every nation is like an island. Formerly, people do not require to communicate with people of other cultures like now a day. They travel from their own countries to other countries for their employment, business, tourism, etc. They need to communicate with people from various cultures. So they have to be conscious of the fact that cultures differ in numerous ways. It is considered to be acceptable and respectful in one culture and it may not be extensive in another culture.
The Reserve Bank of India has triggered reforms in the banking sector by introducing effective strategies to reduce government monopoly, while improving the working of the banks. Electronic Clearing Service-Credit Clearing facility should be made available to all corporate bodies or Governments institutions for making repetitive low value payment like dividend, interest, refund, salary, pension or commission. In last few years, the Indian banking sector has realized the need of digital technologies and is rapidly moving to embrace digital banking. Globalisation is shrinking the size of the world. Required steps must be taken for sound management of banking technology.
The capability to conduct basic hacks against individual systems using tools created by someone else. The organization possesses little target analysis, command and control, or learning cyber terrorism is the use of the Internet to conduct violent acts that result in, or threaten, loss of life or significant bodily harm, in order to achieve political gains through intimidation.
Recently at present time online marketing or e-tailing is the new trend of shopping in India that is used to refer to computer based marketing or e-marketing same like internet baking or e-banking. Over that past few years, online marketing or e-tailing has increased percentage of online marketing in India.
The term advertising originated from the Latin word adveto, which means to turn round advertising thus denotes the means employed to draw attention to any object or purpose in the marketing context, advertising has been defined “as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.”
Alternative dispute Resolution (ADR) is the name given to the procedure where parties in a debate go to a bargain or settle their question without going to court (Tony and William 2015). The primary reason individuals utilize ADR is to spare the cost of utilizing the courts and specialists (“Cross-Border Consumer ADR,” n.d.).