E-ISSN No. 2456-6713
Print ISSN No. 3048-6459

Impact Factor: 5.924

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
Multi-Language Journal (Hindi & English)
Education is conceived as a powerful agency, which is instrumental in bringing about the desired changes in the socio-cultural life of nation. A nation’s development depends greatly on the quality of the educational programmers. Education is a man making process; its specific role is to accelerate the holistic development of body, mind, intellect, and emotion.
The concept SHG is really born in rural areas. It gives financial autonomy to rural women and makes them economically independent. They could start their own enterprises. It develops their self-confidence and their self-esteem. It helps them to overcome economic poverty and social issues which are also tackled effectively through this process.
The most high-fidelity and all-encompassing used method employs applied scientific discipline law of nature and work out to calculate flood levels for a given magnitude relation of movement, which provide the financial institution for portrayed Champaign or flood prostrate areas for take issue flood comparative absolute frequency, the order of importance, or repetition change of integrity, whatsoever terminology is used.
BLDC motors are very popular and are replacing brush motors in numerous applications due to their high efficiency, high power density and large torque to inertia ratio. Brushless DC (BLDC) motor is inherently electronically controlled and requires rotor position information for the proper commutation of the current, this information can be obtained using hall sensors mounted on a rotor.
Headache disorders, characterized by a recurrent headache, are among the most common disorders of the nervous system. A headache itself is a painful and disabling feature of a small number of primary headache disorders, namely migraine, tension-type headache, and cluster headache.
In the construction industry the widely used material is concrete and is second to water as the most utilized substance on the planet. Fine aggregate is one of the important constituents in it. The demand for aggregate is enormous in liberalization, privatization and globalization, and in the construction of important infrastructure projects like Expressways, Airports, nuclear plants etc.
Primary salinity result from the accumulation of salt over long periods of time due to weathering and deposition of oceanic salt secondary salinization is from human activities that change hydrolytic balance of soil between water applied water used by crops. Global estimates are that more than 800 million hectares of land throughout the world are salt affected (Munns et al., 2008).
Perhaps no philosopher has yet disputed that every human being basically wants to be happy, so that the pursuit of happiness remains a fundamental motivation driving the multitude of human activities. It might even not be an exaggeration to say that the entire process of civilization was in a way or another guided by an effort by humankind to be happier than before.
Nutraceuticals may be a broad term that describes any substance extracted from food sources with extra health advantages together with the fundamental nutritionary price already gift in them. They act non-specifically to promote general well-being of the individuals and also to control and prevent virulent conditions.
The identification of the human face in 2D has been inspected by many researchers, but relatively few 3D face identification studies have been reported. Each imaging modality takes its own benefits and difficulties in the mission of human face recognition. 2D images are commonly easier and less expensive to acquire.