E-ISSN No. 2456-6713
Print ISSN No. 3048-6459

Impact Factor: 5.924

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
Multi-Language Journal (Hindi & English)
All humans experience distinctive phases of development, which incorporates, prenatal period, post-natal period, childhood (early, middle and late), adolescent, young adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. Adolescence is a time of transition, where they struggle to deal with the physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout this formative period.
Goleman and his colleagues have suggested that EI is ‘a convenient phrase with which it is easier to focus attention on human talent. Even though it is a simple phrase, it incorporates the complexity of a person’s capability’.
Frustration tolerance comes under normal cognitive development. It occurs when a person while pursuing his goals cannot achieve it due to some internal or external factors. In sporting sense when injury occurs to a sportspersons, he can get frustrated.
Now a day’s sport is a wide term which includes games athletics, swimming, sports are generally individualistic, games are team activities where the movement of the body change from one game like football, hockey etc in these games all of a sudden, they require more elaborate organization and strategies based in this competition.
However, despite the known health benefits of physical activity and the fact that it is potentially accessible to all, it is estimated that over 60% of the world's population are not active enough. (1) In 1997 the Institute of European Food Studies conducted a pan-EU survey of consumer attitudes towards physical activity, body weight and health, in 15,339 adults from 15 member states.