International Educational Applied Research Journal

E-ISSN NO: 2456-6713
Impact Factor: 5.924

Peer-Reviewed Journal - Equivalent to UGC Approved Journal
Multi-Language Journal (Hindi & English)

Fluor albus/Leucorrhoea is excessive vaginal discharge of a whitish, yellow, or greenish discharge from the vagina of the female that may be normal or that may be a sign of infection. A case was studied and for repertorization Complete Repertory was used as its based on Kent’s Repertory and also contains data from Boger Boenninghausen’s Repertory. Case can be individualized and repertorized through it based on philosophy of General to particular. Homoeopathy play an important role in this disease, to treat and counselling women regarding vaginal discharge and the women and her family members will value homoeopathy and if treated at an earlier stage it helps to avoid serious problems.